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更新时间:2019/5/16 9:56:17信息编号:2372291
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China vows to fight “to the end” as it raises tariffs on US$60 billion of US goods in trade war escalation.

批注:vow to 发誓

         tariff 关税

        billion 十亿  billionaire 亿万富翁

        million 百万 millionaire百万富翁

        goods 商品

        trade 贸易

       escalation 升级,扩大

Tariffs are back in the news as the United States government is still upset with China about its trade deficit. But before you get too worried, there are two important things you should know. One: the issue isn’t as big as you think. And two: the reason is based on a lie. Trade between the US and China totaled  $660 billion in 2018. It is the world’s biggest trading relationship with the two swapping everything from computers to clothing. But while the trade figure is huge. It needs to be put into perspective. This is a 100 billion dollars. You know it is because I’ve written it right there. And this is 660 billion dollars. This represents the entire of US-China trade last year which might sound like a lot. But when you compare it to the entire Chinese economy of $13.4 trillion, it really puts it in perspective. In fact, China-US trade represents just 5% of the entire Chinese economy. And is much, much less than the $1.3 trillion that the economy grew by last year. The main reason for the tariffs  is because of the US trade deficit. The US government says China sold $540 billion (China exports to the US in 2018). But that doesn’t mean that China received all that money. Trade figures aren’t a good way of measuring modern global manufacturing chains. In fact, it’s all a bit of a con. Take the iPhone X, it’s a $1000 smartphone that’s largely assembled in factories in China. Parts for the phone are shipped round the world from places like the U.S., Japan, German, South Korean, Switzerland. Now these parts count toward China’s import figures. Once in China, they are put together in factories by Apple contractors. Wait. Much better. Now from there, it is moved to a customs facility where it is stamped and marked for export and sold to Apple shops around the world but if it’s being sold in China, it would be stamped again and marked as an import even though it hasn’t left China. So how much actually goes to Chinese firms. Just $10. That’s much less than the $600 and much much less than the trade figures will tell you. So the numbers are wrong and smaller than you think. Is there anything else you should know? Yes. From farmers to shoppers to economists, most people think tariffs are a terrible idea.

There are some comments as follows:

Increasing tariffs will only continue to harm American consumers and businesses.————— Naomi Wilson Senior Director of Policy for Asia, Information Technology Industry Council.

US soy farmers call for cool-down of trade tension.

We need a positive resolution of this ongoing tariff dispute, not further escalation of tensions. ———————Davie Stephens President  of the American Soybean Association

Notice: A (large) number of ……大量的……后面的谓语动词一般接复数

The number of……        ……的数量 后面的谓语动词接单数,因为这个词组的意思是单数意义本+地+生+活+网

be base on 基于=be rooted in

figure (n.)数量数据,人物角色,身材(a slim figure 苗条的身材)



custom(s) (n.)风俗

the customs (n.)海关

a 不定冠词 “一个”

the 定冠词

go to school=attend school

go to church=attend church

需要用定冠词的有attend a lecture, attend a meeting, attend a lesson.

号召,提倡 advocate , call for

进口 import         出口 export



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